Saturday 16 June 2012

First weekend in 2nd Semester 2012

It has been a long long time I did not post a post in this blog. It is not because I have nothing to post, but I can't spend some time to update about my life here. No wonder, my fb also i did not login it often, just once a week. More over, i am not good in writing and not really interested about it. Creating this blog had encourage me to write something about my life and to familiarise myself to perpetuate everything so that I can read again in the future.

So for now there are some photos to share about SK Kapulu in the first week of second semester this 2012 session. Very bad got many people always feel sad to return to the school and start teaching as usual after school break, but for me, I quite excited approaching school session because in my mind, I got many things to do to my pupils, my school and myself. Maybe because their schools are not interesting and their life not well managed, so bad. For me, I am happy all the time and ready to struggle for the incoming term.

Attending my schoolmate's wedding ceremony at Kampung Telaga, Kuala Berang on 30th May 2012

In E-e on the way to Pasir Gudang with sayang. Sayang drive because she said I will sleepy if driving for long journey, hmm.. am I? This picture is taken at Segamat, 2 hours more reaching pasir gudang

SK Taman Chendana, Pasir Gudang. I've been here already, haha, with sayang. Such a nice and beautiful school

Thursday 5 April 2012

Thinking of you

Nowadays my feeling was unstable thinking about someone that stays very far from me. I must not be like that because there is nothing to worry about. Everything fine and I should be happy as usual. My problem is I keep thinking why she is like ignoring me and the most time, it is me that always start the sms and call her. This time I want to reframe my feeling that is broken since about 2 weeks ago. Actually, I am the one who guilty because always think negatively. The fact is there, so what I need to do is, keep being cool and doing my school work and everything smoothly without thinking the things that not have to think, wasting time.

Since last week, I feel so thankful because I found a blog that is very good for me. It gives me a lot of motivation especially about Islam. I have learned many things from there, and it reminds me about the happiness staying at Terengganu Al-Quran Institute for 2 weeks on 2010. There, I met many good friends and it is really changed me. But, after long time left that environment, I became sort again until I got the hope light (sinar harapan) to get that mode again.

Involve in Program MEGA, Menjana Genarasi Al-Quran 2010
In our life, we really need something to guide us so that we not float away by the flow of life. This time I feel motivated and feel good to run my life as a true believer. Be cool, relax and confident in life. With the remembrance of Allah the heart will be calm. 

 Read Quran everyday

I am sorry sayang. I am wrong. I promise not to think negative anymore. May your life being blessed all the time, may your dream comes true. May you become a good teacher at SK Taman Chendana.

Monday 2 April 2012

Faith, Pray, Hope, Love


I'm glad my life isn't perfect, proud that I make mistakes, happy I have my problems in life... It reminds me I'm real, I'm HUMAN... I'm me..

knows that he is stronger because he knows his weakness, wiser because he has learned from his mistakes, and laughs more because he has known sadness. .

Don’t matter what people want to talk about you, it is you yourself knows yourself better

I May Never be Good enough for Someone.. But I will be the Best for them who Deserve Me.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Good Morning Lesson

This is what happened during my English class for Year 1 last week.

Teacher: In the morning, if we want to greet people, we have to say Good Morning!, Good Morning!
Pupils: Good Morning!
Teacher: For example, if you want greet Lio, say Good Morning Lio!
Pupils: Good Morning Lio!
Teacher: Good.. Then if we want to greet Juvini in the morning, what we have to say?
Pupils: Good Morning Juvini!
Teacher: Very good..class. Greet Saidi?
Pupils: Good Morning Saidi!
Teacher: OK... that's it. Then how if we want to greet people in the afternoon?
Pupils: (confidently) Good Morning Afternoon!!
Teacher: (''  '') ..........


Keep Moving Forward

Today while I read articles from the internet I found a good song for motivation. The song is “I Wanna Be Somebody” from Alarm Me, an old school nasyid group that not famous (for me). This song is good for pupils who are feel themselves very weak in their lessons, and also suitable for teachers that feel weak because of their pupils are too weak. In life, we must never give up and there always open doors for us to explore for improvement. The song is about awareness to keep looking forward in our life. Thinking of our weaknesses will make us can’t achieve our dream. The key to success is we must always keep try for the best and it proved already that the earnest can lead to success. Never be bored to earn knowledge because with it we can be honoured. God will never change our fate until we change it ourselves. Enjoy life..

I Wanna Be Somebody – Alarm Me
Bila ku sedar kemampuan
Tak sebijak persis insan lain
Membuat citaku tak kesampaian
Mujurlah sempat ku kikis sikap itu
Masa depanku aku yang menentukannya
Kejayaan bukan percuma
Malas usaha kelompang jiwa
Telah ku bukti pada semua
Bersungguh pasti kan berjaya
Ku kini mampu melakukannya
Jangan jemu pada ilmu
Dengannya kita akan dimulia
Jadilah orang yang berguna
Tuhan tak akan mengubah nasib kita
Selagi tak usaha kepada yang lebih baik
Tak tahu bertanya orang bijaksana
Setelah berjaya..janganlah alpa

10 Ways To Be Professional

Acting like a professional really means doing what it takes to make others think of you as reliable, respectful, and competent. This can pursued yourself to improvise the potential and achievement to the higher level no matter what job you are doing.

There are, however, quite a few common traits when it comes to being professional. This includes the following:

1. Competence. You’re good at what you do – and you have the skills and knowledge that enable you to do your job well. 

2. Reliability. People can depend on you to show up on time, submit your work when it’s supposed to be ready, etc.

3. Honesty. You tell the truth and are upfront about where things stand.
4. Integrity. You are known for your consistent principles.

5. Respect for Others. Treating all people as if they mattered is part of your approach.

6. Self-upgrading. Rather than letting your skills or knowledge become outdated, you seek out ways of staying current.

7. Being Positive. No one likes a constant pessimist. Having an upbeat attitude and trying to be a problem-solver makes a big difference.

8. Supporting Others. You share the spotlight with colleagues, take time to show others how to do things properly, and lend an ear when necessary.

9. Staying Work-Focused. Not letting your private life needlessly have an impact on your job, and not spending time at work attending to personal matters.

10. Listening Carefully. People want to be heard, so you give people a chance to explain their ideas properly.

Reasons Why I Love You

You make me feel like I have never felt before
We’re a perfect match
You and me together, we can make magic
Your caring has helped me to rediscover myself
I know how lucky I am to have you
You are the one who holds the key to my heart
You are my theme for a dream
I love to hear your voice
You always make me feel that you are by my side no matter what
I love the way you keep your cool when I do or say something stupid
You mean the world to me
You are a teacher to me
Your advices always meaningful to me
How much you’ve taught me about life and me
The way you always inspire me
The way you always encourage me although you not realize it
The way you make me feel about myself
The fact that you are good at fixing things or putting things together by hand
How you are always concerned about me and my well-being
Your electronic, technology and money savvy
Your excellent people skills
The way you talk
How you always know what to say and how to say it in any situation
The fact that I learn new things about everything everyday
The sweet birthday gift you’ve given to me (Simba) 
The way you always say awesome things about me to your parents
How much excitement you bring into my life everyday
How you never take life for granted – Never get bored – never stress
How you full fill your life with so many hobbies
You are so creative
Your dream is just like what I dreamed
How cute and adorable you can be
The amazing way you always seems to be able to read my mind
Your incredible big heart
Your determination and conviction and how you set your mind on something
Your incredible dreams and vision for our future that will come true
The way you come and talk to me when nobody layan me during staying at your home
I respect you very much
Your vast knowledge about everything
How you are always good at everything
The annoying fact that you are right 90+% of the time
How you don’t mind calling me “sayang” even in public
Your uncompromising belief on God and family
How much I know you loved your parents and your family, very care for them – giving Christmas presents.
The fact that you would make the best mother anyone could ever ask for or hope to have
I love the way you appreciate and treasure the gift that I gave you
The facts that I know you are my real true soul mate and we were destined to be together
How much you know about me now and that you’ve seen both my good sides and bad and that you still love me anyway
Your intelligence cause you smart enough to fall in love with me
I love you with all of my heart

Friday 23 March 2012

Crave for Maple

I type this snippet at Kapulu, 12am Monday in my room. Couldn’t sleep yet because not so sleepy due to sleep quite much in the evening. I were so sleepy this evening because not have much sleep last night. Didn’t realize the time while playing maple, I thought it was around 1am but surprisingly I played maple for hours, feel the time run so fast, 3 hours playing is like a few minutes. Maple really changed me, haha, why I didn’t found the fun of this game before, even sayang always told me about she love playing Maple. Sayang even had helped me in installing the game to my laptop but I couldn’t catch it that time, maybe because I were too busy with KPLI work, and haven’t play it myself. Now, after I explored and learned many thing about it, I became crave for it all the time. Maple made me ignore my sleep time, and gave me energy to stay up at night. I love Maple so much and want to play more and more if have free time later. Now at Kapulu couldn’t play it because not have network coverage. This Friday after reach Tenom home and settle applying for passport, I want to stick at home and play Maple as long as I want, haha. Still got many quest to be done and I’m so excited about it. Should I mad to sayang because didn’t introduce this game to me earlier?..No way, it is my fault because ignored sayang’s advice to try play Maple. Hmm ok, now a new life had began.

Saturday 17 March 2012

The 2nd Sibu Trip

Trip to Sibu this time began with meeting sayang’s parents that waiting for me at the airport. We went straight to the house and had lunch in the kitchen. That evening the my dear and her brother, Raymond with his family arrived home. That night we eat outside, at Malay shop, sayang’s brother paid all as celebration he got two months salary bonus.

The next day I went out with sayang to Sibu town to buy items such as stationery, books, book stamp, and book a new KRS pants for sayang. That night we do not start do our work yet, just having some talking.

Tuesday, didn’t going out, just stay at home due to heavy rain all day long, so we did the  school work such as checking exam papers (got many funny answer scripts), key in the marks, and did the RPT. Today, I was trying new foods, banana shoots. The taste is quite delicious.

On Wednesday, we went out again to take the stamp that has been booked last Monday. We also went photostate English games books at Photostat Shop at Rejang. The next day only can take them back, there are three books all together. Today also we stop at souvenir shops that selling Sarawak handicraft items. There are many kinds of beautiful things, and I bought some to be brought back to Terengganu on June later. Happily buying those beautiful and unique items. Although i am lack of money this time but would buy also because unable to come sibu again in the mean time.

Thursday  we once again  didn’t go out because of the rain, so we just keep working on the laptop in the living room, playing games and doing work. Today I also started to on and install the printer. Because of that, I am eager to finish my work completely as i  can print them directly once done. Finally I was able to complete all and print, staples and bindings them as well. I was very satisfied.

Friday, i tidied up my stuffs, get ready for flight, continued finishing some works that still  exists, and installed maple game in my laptop. 12.00pm we went out for Friday prayer at the Sibu mosque. While waiting for me, sayang went to take the KRS pants and the books. Reaching home, sayang and me had lunch together, while the other had lunch already. Tasty chicken curry and the cangkuk manis vegetable dishes. After lunch, sayang continued playing games, while I continued doing the work. Evening, we ate BBQ chicken and BBQ fish. During night, here got sembahyang bilik ceremony. After the ceremony, I helped clean the house, and washed the dishes with sayang. During the ceremony, I saw and heard their prayers, and in the same time, I followed the way I pray, seeking salvation to the father who will go to for work at Dubai in 25 March and for sayang who will go to Johor to work and live there. While others ate in the living room, my love and I ate in the kitchen. After that, I finished all my work, and packed my stuffs, ready for go back tomorrow. Now I'm typing this snippet. The others all had tido. Flight tomorrow at 10.30am, so will leave the house at 8.45am. Will miss Sibu again.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

first time blogging

For the first time, today i have my own blog with the name azlehandro, yeaaa..