Friday 23 March 2012

Crave for Maple

I type this snippet at Kapulu, 12am Monday in my room. Couldn’t sleep yet because not so sleepy due to sleep quite much in the evening. I were so sleepy this evening because not have much sleep last night. Didn’t realize the time while playing maple, I thought it was around 1am but surprisingly I played maple for hours, feel the time run so fast, 3 hours playing is like a few minutes. Maple really changed me, haha, why I didn’t found the fun of this game before, even sayang always told me about she love playing Maple. Sayang even had helped me in installing the game to my laptop but I couldn’t catch it that time, maybe because I were too busy with KPLI work, and haven’t play it myself. Now, after I explored and learned many thing about it, I became crave for it all the time. Maple made me ignore my sleep time, and gave me energy to stay up at night. I love Maple so much and want to play more and more if have free time later. Now at Kapulu couldn’t play it because not have network coverage. This Friday after reach Tenom home and settle applying for passport, I want to stick at home and play Maple as long as I want, haha. Still got many quest to be done and I’m so excited about it. Should I mad to sayang because didn’t introduce this game to me earlier?..No way, it is my fault because ignored sayang’s advice to try play Maple. Hmm ok, now a new life had began.

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