Thursday 5 April 2012

Thinking of you

Nowadays my feeling was unstable thinking about someone that stays very far from me. I must not be like that because there is nothing to worry about. Everything fine and I should be happy as usual. My problem is I keep thinking why she is like ignoring me and the most time, it is me that always start the sms and call her. This time I want to reframe my feeling that is broken since about 2 weeks ago. Actually, I am the one who guilty because always think negatively. The fact is there, so what I need to do is, keep being cool and doing my school work and everything smoothly without thinking the things that not have to think, wasting time.

Since last week, I feel so thankful because I found a blog that is very good for me. It gives me a lot of motivation especially about Islam. I have learned many things from there, and it reminds me about the happiness staying at Terengganu Al-Quran Institute for 2 weeks on 2010. There, I met many good friends and it is really changed me. But, after long time left that environment, I became sort again until I got the hope light (sinar harapan) to get that mode again.

Involve in Program MEGA, Menjana Genarasi Al-Quran 2010
In our life, we really need something to guide us so that we not float away by the flow of life. This time I feel motivated and feel good to run my life as a true believer. Be cool, relax and confident in life. With the remembrance of Allah the heart will be calm. 

 Read Quran everyday

I am sorry sayang. I am wrong. I promise not to think negative anymore. May your life being blessed all the time, may your dream comes true. May you become a good teacher at SK Taman Chendana.

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