Sunday 25 March 2012

Keep Moving Forward

Today while I read articles from the internet I found a good song for motivation. The song is “I Wanna Be Somebody” from Alarm Me, an old school nasyid group that not famous (for me). This song is good for pupils who are feel themselves very weak in their lessons, and also suitable for teachers that feel weak because of their pupils are too weak. In life, we must never give up and there always open doors for us to explore for improvement. The song is about awareness to keep looking forward in our life. Thinking of our weaknesses will make us can’t achieve our dream. The key to success is we must always keep try for the best and it proved already that the earnest can lead to success. Never be bored to earn knowledge because with it we can be honoured. God will never change our fate until we change it ourselves. Enjoy life..

I Wanna Be Somebody – Alarm Me
Bila ku sedar kemampuan
Tak sebijak persis insan lain
Membuat citaku tak kesampaian
Mujurlah sempat ku kikis sikap itu
Masa depanku aku yang menentukannya
Kejayaan bukan percuma
Malas usaha kelompang jiwa
Telah ku bukti pada semua
Bersungguh pasti kan berjaya
Ku kini mampu melakukannya
Jangan jemu pada ilmu
Dengannya kita akan dimulia
Jadilah orang yang berguna
Tuhan tak akan mengubah nasib kita
Selagi tak usaha kepada yang lebih baik
Tak tahu bertanya orang bijaksana
Setelah berjaya..janganlah alpa

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