Saturday 16 June 2012

First weekend in 2nd Semester 2012

It has been a long long time I did not post a post in this blog. It is not because I have nothing to post, but I can't spend some time to update about my life here. No wonder, my fb also i did not login it often, just once a week. More over, i am not good in writing and not really interested about it. Creating this blog had encourage me to write something about my life and to familiarise myself to perpetuate everything so that I can read again in the future.

So for now there are some photos to share about SK Kapulu in the first week of second semester this 2012 session. Very bad got many people always feel sad to return to the school and start teaching as usual after school break, but for me, I quite excited approaching school session because in my mind, I got many things to do to my pupils, my school and myself. Maybe because their schools are not interesting and their life not well managed, so bad. For me, I am happy all the time and ready to struggle for the incoming term.

Attending my schoolmate's wedding ceremony at Kampung Telaga, Kuala Berang on 30th May 2012

In E-e on the way to Pasir Gudang with sayang. Sayang drive because she said I will sleepy if driving for long journey, hmm.. am I? This picture is taken at Segamat, 2 hours more reaching pasir gudang

SK Taman Chendana, Pasir Gudang. I've been here already, haha, with sayang. Such a nice and beautiful school